Peter Leithart update

People have been inquiring about what happened with the Peter Leithart’s trial. The short of it is that it was a closed case until the verdict is given. All those present were asked to not discuss the case until after the verdict is given, which is slated for sometime in October.

Thanks for your prayers, and keep praying.

Sola Deo Gloria

Peter Leithart Trial

On June 3–4, the Pacific Northwest Presbytery (PNW) of the PCA is conducting a trial to determine whether or not Dr. Peter Leithart, pastor of Trinity Reformed Church, in Moscow, Idaho (CREC) has views contrary to the Westminster Standards. Please pray that God would be glorified through these proceedings.

Peter Leithart
Dr. Peter Leithart

Specifically, please pray that:

  1. If there is indeed heresy, the accused would see it clearly, and repent.
  2. If the concerns raised are unfounded, and no heresy is found, that this would come clearly to light, and that all may walk away giving thanks to God.
  3. If it comes to light that false accusations were made, please pray that those men would acknowledge it, repent, and remedy the affects of their false accusations to the best of their abilities.
  4. That all those involved in this trial would honor the authorities over them, allowing for a fair trial, and respecting the outcome, even if in disagreement.

Sola Deo Gloria.


For background on the Federal Vision, read the Joint Federal Vision Profession.